feDistricts Helpdesk

FAQ regarding feDistricts.

My site / instance has shut down! // I want to update information Please send an e-mail to districts@hofnarretje.eu to inform us about it.
If we notice before you that a site is down, you will be informed via e-mail that we have taken down your site link. You will have 30 days to inform us about whether you want to update information. After that, the site will be permanently gone from feDistricts, but you will be able to reapply.

A site/instance or its maintainer participates in behavior against the spirit of feDistricts! Please send an e-mail to districts@hofnarretje.eu to inform us about it.
Make sure you have credible evidence (such as archive.is links) for the rule-breaking behavior. However, if you are found to make false accusations, you may be blacklisted from feDistricts.

How long do I wait to be approved? Up to a week. If there are life circumstances that prevent normal workflow, the addition process may delay.

Is there a way I can support feDistricts? Yes! Talk about it! Share the news! Let people know!
For more direct support, you can donate in order to pay for the domain and so I can continue maintaining things.

Why is the blacklist not public? Maintaining a public blacklist would put us at a risk of being harassed. It is not something that should concern any parties other than feDistricts maintainers and the submitter(s).

Will there be more Districts? If there will be enough demand, our friends at Narretje Real Estate will get quick to building new places!

I noticed an error in website Report it at districts@hofnarretje.eu.

Erm actually, your website is bad De meest nutteloze informatie, bedankt 👍